Bindings for protocols::loop_modeling::samplers namespace
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSampler¶
Apply the legacy KinematicMover.
The old KinematicMover works just as well as the new KicMover, but it is not written as well and is therefore much harder to understand and maintain. Largely for this reason, development will shift towards the new implementation and the old one will grow more and more out of date. This sampler was written to compare the two algorithms and is only meant to be a debugging tool. However, it may be useful in the short term while features like next-gen KIC are still being ported to the new implementation.
- apply(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) None ¶
Sample the pose in the regions specified by get_loops().
The parent class apply() method automatically sets up a fold tree (if necessary) and keeps track of whether or not the move succeeded. Child classes should reimplement do_apply() instead of this method.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::apply(class core::pose::Pose &) –> void
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSampler, : pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSampler) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSampler ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSampler::operator=(const class protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSampler &) –> class protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSampler &
- clear_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) None ¶
Strings container can be used to return miscellaneous info (as std::string) from a mover, such as notes about the results of apply(). The job distributor (Apr 09 vintage) will check this function to see if your protocol wants to add string info to the Job that ran this mover. One way this can be useful is that later, a JobOutputter may include/append this info to an output file.
clear_info is called by jd2 before calling apply
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::clear_info() –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover ¶
Return a clone of the Mover object.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class protocols::moves::Mover>
- create(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::create() –> class std::shared_ptr<class protocols::moves::Mover>
- static define_composition_schema(xsd: utility::tag::XMLSchemaDefinition, ct_gen: utility::tag::XMLSchemaComplexTypeGenerator, subelements: utility::tag::XMLSchemaSimpleSubelementList) None ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::define_composition_schema(class utility::tag::XMLSchemaDefinition &, class utility::tag::XMLSchemaComplexTypeGenerator &, class utility::tag::XMLSchemaSimpleSubelementList &) –> void
- fresh_instance(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover ¶
Generates a new Mover object freshly created with the default ctor.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::fresh_instance() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class protocols::moves::Mover>
- get_additional_output(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose ¶
Mechanism by which a mover may return multiple output poses from a single input pose.
Supported in JD2. Will attempt to grab additional poses until a nullptr is returned.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_additional_output() –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::pose::Pose>
- get_children_names(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
get_children_names(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, names: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) -> None
get_children_names(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, names: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string, indent: str) -> None
- Add the names of all the algorithms invoked by this loop mover to
the given list. Indentation is used to represent hierarchy.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::get_children_names(class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &, std::string) const –> void
- get_current_job(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) protocols::jobdist::BasicJob ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_current_job() const –> class std::shared_ptr<const class protocols::jobdist::BasicJob>
- get_current_tag(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) str ¶
- A tag is a unique identifier used to identify structures produced
by this Mover. get_current_tag() returns the tag, and set_current_tag( std::string tag ) sets the tag. This functionality is not intended for use with the 2008 job distributor.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_current_tag() const –> std::string
- get_input_pose(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_input_pose() const –> class std::shared_ptr<const class core::pose::Pose>
- get_last_move_status(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.MoverStatus ¶
returns status after an apply(). The job distributor (august 08 vintage) will check this function to see if your protocol wants to filter its results - if your protocol wants to say “that run was no good, skip it” then use the protected last_move_status(MoverStatus) to change the value that this function will return.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_last_move_status() const –> enum protocols::moves::MoverStatus
- get_loop(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, index: int) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loop ¶
Return the specified loop.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::get_loop(unsigned long) const –> const class protocols::loops::Loop &
- get_loops(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loops ¶
Return the loops to be sampled on the next call to apply().
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::get_loops() –> class std::shared_ptr<class protocols::loops::Loops>
- get_name(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSampler) str ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSampler::get_name() const –> std::string
- get_native_pose(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_native_pose() const –> class std::shared_ptr<const class core::pose::Pose>
- get_self_ptr(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_self_ptr() –> class std::shared_ptr<class protocols::moves::Mover>
- get_self_weak_ptr(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.std.weak_ptr_protocols_moves_Mover_t ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_self_weak_ptr() –> class std::weak_ptr<class protocols::moves::Mover>
- get_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) str ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::get_type() const –> std::string
- info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) pyrosetta.rosetta.std.list_std_string_t ¶
non-const accessor
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::info() –> class std::list<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &
- last_proposal_density_ratio(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) float ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::last_proposal_density_ratio() –> double
- static mover_name() str ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSampler::mover_name() –> std::string
- static name() str ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::name() –> std::string
- parse_my_tag(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, tag: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.tag.Tag, data: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.DataMap) None ¶
Configure from a RosettaScripts tag.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::parse_my_tag(class std::shared_ptr<const class utility::tag::Tag>, class basic::datacache::DataMap &) –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by movers wishing to provide citation information.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- static provide_xml_schema(xsd: utility::tag::XMLSchemaDefinition) None ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSampler::provide_xml_schema(class utility::tag::XMLSchemaDefinition &) –> void
- static register_options() None ¶
Overload this static method if you access options within the mover.
These options will end up in -help of your application if users of this mover call register_options. Do this recursively! If you use movers within your mover, call their register_options in your register_options() method.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::register_options() –> void
- reinitialize_for_each_job(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) bool ¶
- Inform the Job Distributor (August ‘08 vintage) whether this object needs to be freshly regenerated on
each use.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::reinitialize_for_each_job() const –> bool
- reinitialize_for_new_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) bool ¶
- Inform the Job Distributor (August ‘08 vintage) whether this object needs to be regenerated when the input
pose is about to change, (for example, if the Mover has special code on the first apply() that is only valid for that one input pose).
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::reinitialize_for_new_input() const –> bool
- request_fold_tree(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.FoldTreeRequest ¶
- Return an enum representing the kind of fold tree that is
compatible with this mover.
The FoldTreeRequest enum values can be combined using the bitwise logical operators. For example, you can request either the standard fold tree or a simple fold tree with FTR_LOOPS_WITH_CUTS | FTR_SIMPLE_TREE.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::request_fold_tree() const –> enum protocols::loop_modeling::FoldTreeRequest
- reset_status(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) None ¶
resets status to SUCCESS, meant to be used before an apply(). The job distributor (august 08 vintage) uses this to ensure non-accumulation of status across apply()s.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::reset_status() –> void
- set_current_job(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, job: protocols::jobdist::BasicJob) None ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::set_current_job(class std::shared_ptr<const class protocols::jobdist::BasicJob>) –> void
- set_current_tag(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, new_tag: str) None ¶
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::set_current_tag(const std::string &) –> void
- set_input_pose(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) None ¶
setter for poses contained for rms
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::set_input_pose(class std::shared_ptr<const class core::pose::Pose>) –> void
- set_loop(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, loop: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loop) None ¶
Set the loop to be sampled on the next call to apply().
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::set_loop(const class protocols::loops::Loop &) –> void
- set_loops(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
set_loops(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, loops: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loops) -> None
Set the loops to be sampled on the next call to apply().
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::set_loops(class std::shared_ptr<class protocols::loops::Loops>) –> void
set_loops(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, loops: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loops) -> None
Set the loops to be sampled on the next call to apply().
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::set_loops(const class protocols::loops::Loops &) –> void
- set_native_pose(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) None ¶
setter for native poses contained for rms —- we should get rid of this method? it is widely used, but a bit unsafe
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::set_native_pose(class std::shared_ptr<const class core::pose::Pose>) –> void
- set_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, setting: str) None ¶
Set the ‘type’ string
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::set_type(const std::string &) –> void
- static setup_fold_tree(pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, loops: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loops.Loops, request: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.FoldTreeRequest) None ¶
- Setup the given pose with a fold tree that is compatible with the
given loops and requests.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::setup_fold_tree(class core::pose::Pose &, class std::shared_ptr<const class protocols::loops::Loops>, enum protocols::loop_modeling::FoldTreeRequest) –> void
- show(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
show(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) -> None
show(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, output: pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream) -> None
Outputs details about the Mover, including current settings.
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::show(std::ostream &) const –> void
- test_move(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) None ¶
- : Unit test support function. Apply one move to a given pose.
Allows extra test specific functions to be called before applying
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::test_move(class core::pose::Pose &) –> void
- trust_fold_tree(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover) None ¶
- Promise that the calling code will setup a fold tree compatible
with request_fold_tree(). If this method is not called, this mover will setup a fold tree on its own every time apply() is called.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::trust_fold_tree() –> void
- type(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover, type_in: str) -> None
Set the ‘type’ string
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::type(const std::string &) –> void
type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover) -> str
Get the set ‘type’ string
C++: protocols::moves::Mover::type() const –> const std::string &
- was_successful(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
was_successful(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover) -> bool
Return true if the previous move was successful.
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::was_successful() const –> bool
was_successful(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.LoopMover, value: bool) -> None
Set the success status of a loop mover
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::LoopMover::was_successful(bool) –> void
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSamplerCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSamplerCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSamplerCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSamplerCreator ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSamplerCreator::operator=(const class protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSamplerCreator &) –> class protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSamplerCreator &
- create_mover(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSamplerCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.moves.Mover ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSamplerCreator::create_mover() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class protocols::moves::Mover>
- keyname(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.loop_modeling.samplers.LegacyKicSamplerCreator) str ¶
C++: protocols::loop_modeling::samplers::LegacyKicSamplerCreator::keyname() const –> std::string