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The Rosetta Community and the Gray Lab

Much of our lab’s work are methods developed within the Rosetta platform for biomolecular structure prediction and design. Our lab is a part of the Rosetta Commons, a consortium that facilitates tight collaboration to share and speed our scientific progress. We describe our collaboration in “Better Together” (PLoS Computational Biology, 2020).

The Rosetta software is shared freely with academics and non-profits, and it is licensed for a fee to commercial entities. All Rosetta licensing revenue has been used to support the scientific collaboration, including Rosetta’s conferences, code schools, summer internships, post-baccalaureate training programs, outreach programs, affinity group conference delegations, research mini-grants, and staff for testing, user support, documentation, code management, and program management. By contributing our code to the Commons, we benefit from these programs plus the sustainability that our methods will have through the continued upkeep of the software, testing, code review, dissemination of the code, and access to methods through public web servers (e.g., ROSIE).

Additional information about the licensing structure for Rosetta is available on this FAQ.