Principal Investigator: Jeffrey J. Gray, Ph.D.
Jeffrey J. Gray researches computational protein structure prediction and design, particularly protein-protein docking, therapeutic antibodies, and glycoproteins, and deep learning. Gray’s lab leads the development of RosettaDock, RosettaAntibody, RosettaCarbohydrate, the ROSIE web server, and the PyRosetta interactive platform for protein structure prediction and design; these tools are used by thousands of scientists. Gray’s lab has produced the most accurate complex structure for several targets in the CAPRI blind protein-protein docking challenge and sub-angstrom antibody binding loop structures in the Antibody Modeling Assessment. Gray’s work has been funded by NIH, NSF, DARPA, ACS, the Beckman Foundation, the Rosetta Commons, and the UCB company and GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines. Gray serves as the ChemBE department’s Diversity Champion, and he is past-Chair of the Homewood Council on Inclusive Excellence. Gray is the Director of the NSF-supported Rosetta Commons Summer Intern Program and the Rosetta Postbac Program, and he is co-Director of the Rosetta Commmons