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We are currently seeking postdocs to develop computational methods to predict and design protein interactions.

We have several open projects including:

Docking of Therapeutic Antibodies: To improve the protein-protein docking algorithm RosettaDock especially for application to therapeutic antibodies, one of the fastest-growing class of new drugs.

Tools for Glycoscience: To create computational tools for modeling and designing structures of glycoproteins and protein-carbohydrate interactions.

Education in Computational Biology: For a postdoc interested in a teaching career, we are seeking someone to develop online tutorials for PyRosetta and a PyRosetta Code School.

Integrative Biology: Development of algorithms for docking of single-chain antibodies leveraging HX-MS data.

Biomanufacturing: Prediction of therapeutic antibody aggregation.

Protein-protein Docking: Development of multimodal flexible-backbone docking methods.

We seek candidates with diverse backgrounds and we foster an inclusive lab community. The ideal candidate has a PhD in chemical engineering, bioengineering, biophysics or a related field, experience in computational methods development and protein engineering research, and a passion for scientific discovery.

Please send a CV and a brief cover letter summarizing your background and interests to Prof. Jeff Gray at


The lab accepts Ph.D. students through the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, the Program in Molecular Biophysics, and occasionally Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, or the MD/PhD program.

Occasionally Master's students are accepted through the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.


For research in computational protein engineering. Junior-level standing in chemical and biomolecular engineering, computer science, biophysics or related fields, or serious experience in computer programming.

We sometimes also seek students to assist in molecular biology experiments to validate computational protein designs. Applicants should have some lab or research experience.

Email Dr. Gray if interested.