
Bindings for core::scoring::nv namespace

class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVlookup

Bases: pybind11_object

assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVlookup, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVlookup) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVlookup

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVlookup::operator=(const class core::scoring::nv::NVlookup &) –> class core::scoring::nv::NVlookup &

get_potentials(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVlookup, aa_type: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.chemical.AA, score: float) float

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVlookup::get_potentials(const enum core::chemical::AA &, const double &) const –> double

class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore

Bases: ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy

assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy

C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy &

atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None
Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom

This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()

This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void

atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None
Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms

This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()

This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void

clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod


C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>

defines_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool
Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when

calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool

defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool
Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation

evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool

defines_score_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool
During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing

about a particular residue (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default behavior is to return “true” for all residues.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool

eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.id.AtomID, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None
Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.

Called during the atomtree derivative calculation, atom_tree_minimize.cc, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative

The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void

eval_residue_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None
Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on this residue and increment them

into the input atom_derivs vector1. The calling function must guarantee that setup for derivatives is called before this function is, and that the atom_derivs vector contains at least as many entries as there are atoms in the input Residue. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void

eval_residue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.id.DOF_ID, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float
Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,

and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double

finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None

called at the end of derivatives evaluation

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void

finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None
Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some

teardown steps.

Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.

Vikram K. Mulligan (vmullig.edu).

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void

finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None
called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.

The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void

has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool
Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?

Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool

has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool
Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?

NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool

indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void

method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType
Returns the cd_1b element of the EnergyMethodType enumeration; this method

should NOT be overridden by derived classes.

C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType

minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool
Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation

evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool

neighbor_weight(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore, distance: float) float

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::neighbor_weight(const double &) const –> double

prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None
If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before

rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void

provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None
Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList

Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.

The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void

requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool
Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not

all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool

requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool
Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not

all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool

requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool
Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not

all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool

residue_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::residue_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void

residue_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None
Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a

given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those one body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit(). The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void

score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType

Returns the score types that this energy method computes.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &

setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void

setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None

Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void

setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.kinematics.MinimizerMapBase) None

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void

setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None
Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data

pertinent for a single residue in the the ResSingleMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase. The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void

setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void

setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None
if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,

before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.

The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
  1. setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods

  2. rotamers are built

  3. setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods

  4. prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods

  5. The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs

  6. Annealing

The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it

: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void

setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscore, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscore::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void

setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None

  2. setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None

Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue, who is still guaranteed to be

of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void

show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None

show additional information of the energy method

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void

update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None
If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if

an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void

use_extended_residue_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) bool
Rely on the extended version of the residue_energy function during score-function

evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResSingleMinimizationData. Return ‘true’ for the extended version. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’

C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_energy_interface() const –> bool

version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int

Return the version of the energy method

C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long

class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscoreCreator

Bases: EnergyMethodCreator

assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscoreCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscoreCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscoreCreator

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscoreCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::nv::NVscoreCreator &) –> class core::scoring::nv::NVscoreCreator &

create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscoreCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod

Instantiate a new NVscore

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscoreCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>

score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.nv.NVscoreCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType
Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod

this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function

C++: core::scoring::nv::NVscoreCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >