Bindings for core::scoring::methods namespace
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters¶
- K(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::K(double, double) const –> double
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters &) –> class core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters &
- dK_dphi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::dK_dphi(double, double) const –> double
- dK_dpsi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::dK_dpsi(double, double) const –> double
- dmu_dphi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::dmu_dphi(double, double) const –> double
- dmu_dpsi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::dmu_dpsi(double, double) const –> double
- init(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
init(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, mu: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_double_t, Ks: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_double_t) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::init(const class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<double> &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<double> &) –> void
init(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, x: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.MathMatrix_double_t, x_spline: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.interpolation.spline.BicubicSpline) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::init(const class numeric::MathMatrix<double> &, class numeric::interpolation::spline::BicubicSpline &) –> void
- is_null(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::is_null() const –> bool
- mu(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::mu(double, double) const –> double
- period(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBDepCartBondedParameters) int ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBDepCartBondedParameters::period() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters¶
- K(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBIndepCartBondedParameters::K(double, double) const –> double
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBIndepCartBondedParameters::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::BBIndepCartBondedParameters &) –> class core::scoring::methods::BBIndepCartBondedParameters &
- dK_dphi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dK_dphi(double, double) const –> double
- dK_dpsi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dK_dpsi(double, double) const –> double
- dmu_dphi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dmu_dphi(double, double) const –> double
- dmu_dpsi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dmu_dpsi(double, double) const –> double
- is_null(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBIndepCartBondedParameters::is_null() const –> bool
- mu(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBIndepCartBondedParameters::mu(double, double) const –> double
- period(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.BBIndepCartBondedParameters) int ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::BBIndepCartBondedParameters::period() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters¶
- K(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::K(double, double) const –> double
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters &) –> class core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters &
- dK_dphi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dK_dphi(double, double) const –> double
- dK_dpsi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dK_dpsi(double, double) const –> double
- dmu_dphi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dmu_dphi(double, double) const –> double
- dmu_dpsi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, : float, : float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::dmu_dpsi(double, double) const –> double
- is_null(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::is_null() const –> bool
- mu(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters, phi: float, psi: float) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::mu(double, double) const –> double
- period(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.CartBondedParameters) int ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::CartBondedParameters::period() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) bool ¶
- Two body energies are able to define intra-residue energies, and to do so
only in the presence of certain non-zero weights. The ScoreFunction will hand over its weight set as it asks whether the energy method defines an intraresidue energy or not.
For example, the Etable method defines intra-residue energies only when one or more of the fa_intra_{atr,rep,sol} weights are non-zero.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose, res1: int, res2: int) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy::defines_residue_pair_energy(const class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long, unsigned long) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls the derived class’s residue_pair_energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- long_range_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeEnergyType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy::long_range_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::LongRangeEnergyType
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentLRTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between a given residue pair
accumulating the unweighted energies in an EnergyMap
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default behavior is to return “true” for all residues.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_residue_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on this residue and increment them
into the input atom_derivs vector1. The calling function must guarantee that setup for derivatives is called before this function is, and that the atom_derivs vector contains at least as many entries as there are atoms in the input Residue. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_residue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Returns the cd_1b element of the EnergyMethodType enumeration; this method
should NOT be overridden by derived classes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentOneBodyEnergy::residue_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those one body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit(). The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResSingleMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase. The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue, who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_residue_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResSingleMinimizationData. Return ‘true’ for the extended version. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) float ¶
how far apart must two heavy atoms be to have a zero interaction energy?
If hydrogen atoms interact at the same range as heavy atoms, then this distance should build-in a 2 * max-bound-h-distance-cutoff buffer. There is an improper mixing here between run-time aquired chemical knowledge (max-bound-h-distance-cutoff) and compile time aquired scoring knowledge (max atom cutoff); this could be resolved by adding a boolean uses_hydrogen_interaction_distance() to the SRTBEnergy class along with a method of the ChemicalManager max_bound_h_distance_cutoff().
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) bool ¶
- Two body energies are able to define intra-residue energies, and to do so
only in the presence of certain non-zero weights. The ScoreFunction will hand over its weight set as it asks whether the energy method defines an intraresidue energy or not.
For example, the Etable method defines intra-residue energies only when one or more of the fa_intra_{atr,rep,sol} weights are non-zero.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method. Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextDependentTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between a given residue pair
accumulating the unweighted energies in an EnergyMap
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) bool ¶
- Two body energies are able to define intra-residue energies, and to do so
only in the presence of certain non-zero weights. The ScoreFunction will hand over its weight set as it asks whether the energy method defines an intraresidue energy or not.
For example, the Etable method defines intra-residue energies only when one or more of the fa_intra_{atr,rep,sol} weights are non-zero.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose, res1: int, res2: int) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy::defines_residue_pair_energy(const class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long, unsigned long) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls the derived class’s residue_pair_energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- long_range_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeEnergyType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy::long_range_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::LongRangeEnergyType
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentLRTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between a given residue pair
accumulating the unweighted energies in an EnergyMap
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default behavior is to return “true” for all residues.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_residue_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on this residue and increment them
into the input atom_derivs vector1. The calling function must guarantee that setup for derivatives is called before this function is, and that the atom_derivs vector contains at least as many entries as there are atoms in the input Residue. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_residue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Returns the ci_1b element of the EnergyMethodType enumeration; this
method should NOT be overridden by derived classes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy::residue_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those one body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit(). The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResSingleMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase. The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue, who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_residue_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResSingleMinimizationData. Return ‘true’ for the extended version. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) float ¶
how far apart must two heavy atoms be to have a zero interaction energy?
If hydrogen atoms interact at the same range as heavy atoms, then this distance should build-in a 2 * max-bound-h-distance-cutoff buffer. There is an improper mixing here between run-time aquired chemical knowledge (max-bound-h-distance-cutoff) and compile time aquired scoring knowledge (max atom cutoff); this could be resolved by adding a boolean uses_hydrogen_interaction_distance() to the SRTBEnergy class along with a method of the ChemicalManager max_bound_h_distance_cutoff().
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) bool ¶
- Two body energies are able to define intra-residue energies, and to do so
only in the presence of certain non-zero weights. The ScoreFunction will hand over its weight set as it asks whether the energy method defines an intraresidue energy or not.
For example, the Etable method defines intra-residue energies only when one or more of the fa_intra_{atr,rep,sol} weights are non-zero.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method. Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between a given residue pair
accumulating the unweighted energies in an EnergyMap
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod¶
base class for the energy method hierarchy
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod &) –> class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Return one of the 7 kinds of energy methods that exist:
e.g. context-dependent-one-body vs whole-structure.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
- Do any setup work before scoring, caching any slow-to-compute data that will be used during
energy evaluation inside of the input Residue object’s data cache. (The Residue on the whole is given as a constant reference, but non-constant access to its data cache is granted.)
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodCreator¶
The EnergyMethodCreator class’s responsibilities are to create on demand a new EnergyMethod class, and to tell the ScoringManager singleton which ScoreTypes the EnergyMethod it creates is responsible for. The EnergyMethodCreator must register itself with the ScoringManager at load time (before main() begins) so that the ScoringManager is ready to start creating EnergyMethods by the time the first ScoreFunction requests one.
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodCreator, options: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new EnergyMethod given a set of energy-method options
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions¶
add more options here NOTE: If you add an option, make sure you also update the constructor, the assignment operator, the == comparison operator, and the show method in the .cc file! right now this class should be pretty light-weight since a copy is held inside ScoreFunctionInfo
- aa_composition_setup_file(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, index: int) str ¶
Get the nth aa_composition setup file name from the list of setup files.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::aa_composition_setup_file(const unsigned long) const –> const std::string &
- aa_composition_setup_file_count(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) int ¶
Get the number of aa_composition setup files.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::aa_composition_setup_file_count() const –> unsigned long
- analytic_etable_evaluation(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
analytic_etable_evaluation(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::analytic_etable_evaluation() const –> bool
analytic_etable_evaluation(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::analytic_etable_evaluation(bool) –> void
- analytic_membetable_evaluation(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::analytic_membetable_evaluation() const –> bool
- append_aa_composition_setup_files(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, input_filenames: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
Appends additional files to the aa_composition setup file names.
Does not override existing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::append_aa_composition_setup_files(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- append_mhc_epitope_setup_files(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, input_filenames: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
Appends additional files to the mhc_epitope setup file names.
Does not override existing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::append_mhc_epitope_setup_files(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- append_netcharge_setup_files(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, input_filenames: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
Appends additional files to the netcharge setup file names.
Does not override existing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::append_netcharge_setup_files(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_assume_const_backbone(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_assume_const_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set the assume const backbone for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_assume_const_backbone(const bool) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_assume_const_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Get the assume const backbone for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_assume_const_backbone() const –> bool
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_atomic_depth(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_atomic_depth(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the atomic depth above which an atom is considered buried.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_atomic_depth(const double) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_atomic_depth(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the atomic depth above which an atom is considered buried.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_atomic_depth() const –> double
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_probe_radius(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_probe_radius(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the probe radius for the atomic depth calculation.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_probe_radius(const double) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_probe_radius(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the probe radius for the atomic depth calculation.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_probe_radius() const –> double
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_resolution(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_resolution(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the resolution for the atomic depth calculation.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_resolution(const double) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_resolution(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the resolution for the atomic depth calculation.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_burial_resolution() const –> double
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_cross_chain(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_cross_chain(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the hbond_bonus_cross_chain for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_cross_chain(const double) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_cross_chain(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the hbond_bonus_cross_chain for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_cross_chain() const –> double
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_ser_to_helix_bb(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_ser_to_helix_bb(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the hbond_bonus_ser_to_helix_bb for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_ser_to_helix_bb(const double) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_ser_to_helix_bb(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the hbond_bonus_ser_to_helix_bb for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_bonus_ser_to_helix_bb() const –> double
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the energy threshold above which a hydrogen bond is not counted.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(const double) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the energy threshold above which a hydrogen bond is not counted.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold() const –> double
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_lys_ok_with_1(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_lys_ok_with_1(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set the lys_ok_with_1 for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_lys_ok_with_1(const bool) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_lys_ok_with_1(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Get the lys_ok_with_1 for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_lys_ok_with_1() const –> bool
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_natural_corrections1(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_natural_corrections1(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set the natural corrections 1 for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_natural_corrections1(const bool) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_natural_corrections1(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Get the natural corrections 1 for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_natural_corrections1() const –> bool
- approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_oversat_penalty(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_oversat_penalty(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the oversat penalty for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_oversat_penalty(const double) –> void
approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_oversat_penalty(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the oversat penalty for approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
Used by the ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::approximate_buried_unsat_penalty_oversat_penalty() const –> double
- arg_cation_pi_his_can_be_pi(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
arg_cation_pi_his_can_be_pi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
For the arg_cation_pi scoreterm. Can histidine be the pi-side of an Arginine cation-pi interaction?
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::arg_cation_pi_his_can_be_pi() const –> bool
arg_cation_pi_his_can_be_pi(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
For the arg_cation_pi scoreterm. Can histidine be the pi-side of an Arginine cation-pi interaction?
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::arg_cation_pi_his_can_be_pi(const bool) –> void
- aspartimide_penalty_value(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) float ¶
Get the penalty for each aspartimide-forming two-residue sequence.
Used by the aspartimide_penalty score term.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::aspartimide_penalty_value() const –> const double &
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, src: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions ¶
copy operator
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) –> class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &
- atom_vdw_atom_type_set_name(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
atom_vdw_atom_type_set_name(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
This is used in the construction of the VDW_Energy’s AtomVDW object
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::atom_vdw_atom_type_set_name() const –> const std::string &
atom_vdw_atom_type_set_name(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::atom_vdw_atom_type_set_name(const std::string &) –> void
- bond_angle_central_atoms_to_score(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
bond_angle_central_atoms_to_score(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::bond_angle_central_atoms_to_score() const –> const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &
bond_angle_central_atoms_to_score(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, atom_names: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::bond_angle_central_atoms_to_score(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- bond_angle_residue_type_param_set(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
bond_angle_residue_type_param_set(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::bond_angle_residue_type_param_set() –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet>
bond_angle_residue_type_param_set(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, param_set: core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::bond_angle_residue_type_param_set(class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet>) –> void
- buried_unsatisfied_penalty_burial_threshold(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_burial_threshold(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
- Set the number of cones in which a point must lie to be considered “buried”
by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_burial_threshold(const double) –> void
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_burial_threshold(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
- Get the number of cones in which a point must lie to be considered “buried”
by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_burial_threshold() const –> double
- buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_exponent(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_exponent(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the angle exponent for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_exponent(const double) –> void
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_exponent(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the angle exponent for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_exponent() const –> double
- buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_shift_factor(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_shift_factor(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the angle shift factor for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_shift_factor(const double) –> void
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_shift_factor(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the angle shift factor for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_angle_shift_factor() const –> double
- buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_exponent(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_exponent(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the distance exponent for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_exponent(const double) –> void
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_exponent(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the distance exponent for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_exponent() const –> double
- buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_midpoint(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_midpoint(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the distance midpoint for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_midpoint(const double) –> void
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_midpoint(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the distance midpoint for calculating burial by the method of sidechain neighbor cones.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_cone_dist_midpoint() const –> double
- buried_unsatisfied_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the energy threshold above which a hydrogen bond is not counted.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(const double) –> void
buried_unsatisfied_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the energy threshold above which a hydrogen bond is not counted.
Used by the BuriedUnsatPenalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::buried_unsatisfied_penalty_hbond_energy_threshold() const –> double
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions>
- count_pair_full(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
count_pair_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Take full-1-5 countpairs for any residue type
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::count_pair_full() const –> bool
count_pair_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::count_pair_full(const bool) –> void
- count_pair_hybrid(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
count_pair_hybrid(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Take full-1-5 countpairs for LIGAND/non-(POLYMER_or_PROTEIN) type
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::count_pair_hybrid() const –> bool
count_pair_hybrid(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::count_pair_hybrid(const bool) –> void
- covalent_labeling_fa_input(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
covalent_labeling_fa_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::covalent_labeling_fa_input() const –> std::string
covalent_labeling_fa_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::covalent_labeling_fa_input(const std::string &) –> void
- covalent_labeling_input(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
covalent_labeling_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::covalent_labeling_input() const –> std::string
covalent_labeling_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::covalent_labeling_input(const std::string &) –> void
- cst_max_seq_sep(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
cst_max_seq_sep(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::cst_max_seq_sep() const –> unsigned long
cst_max_seq_sep(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::cst_max_seq_sep(const unsigned long) –> void
- depc_ms_input(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
depc_ms_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::depc_ms_input() const –> std::string
depc_ms_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::depc_ms_input(const std::string &) –> void
- dump_trajectory_gz(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
dump_trajectory_gz(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set whether the dump_trajectory energy produces g-zipped output.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::dump_trajectory_gz(const bool) –> void
dump_trajectory_gz(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Get whether the dump_trajectory energy produces g-zipped output.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::dump_trajectory_gz() const –> bool
- dump_trajectory_prefix(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
dump_trajectory_prefix(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
Set the prefix for the dump_trajectory energy’s output.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::dump_trajectory_prefix(const std::string &) –> void
dump_trajectory_prefix(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
Get the prefix for the dump_trajectory energy’s output.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::dump_trajectory_prefix() const –> const std::string &
- dump_trajectory_stride(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
dump_trajectory_stride(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
Set the number of function evaluations that elapse before the dump_trajectory mover produces output.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
The input must be greater than zero. There’s a check for this. (The function signature takes a signed long because the options system parses signed integers, so we need to check that the user hasn’t provided a negative number.)
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::dump_trajectory_stride(long) –> void
dump_trajectory_stride(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
Get the number of function evaluations that elapse before the dump_trajectory mover produces output.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::dump_trajectory_stride() const –> unsigned long
- elec_die(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
elec_die(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
The dielectric used for the fa_elec term
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_die() const –> double
elec_die(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_die(double) –> void
- elec_group_file(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
elec_group_file(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_group_file() const –> std::string
elec_group_file(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_group_file(std::string) –> void
- elec_max_dis(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
elec_max_dis(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
The maximum (all atom) distance at which fa_elec is non-zero
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_max_dis() const –> double
elec_max_dis(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_max_dis(double) –> void
- elec_min_dis(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
elec_min_dis(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
The minimium (all atom) distance for which fa_elec changes with distances
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_min_dis() const –> double
elec_min_dis(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_min_dis(double) –> void
- elec_no_dis_dep_die(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
elec_no_dis_dep_die(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Should fa_elec use a constant (non-distance dependant) dielectric?
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_no_dis_dep_die() const –> bool
elec_no_dis_dep_die(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_no_dis_dep_die(bool) –> void
- elec_sigmoidal_die(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
elec_sigmoidal_die(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Should fa_elec/gpelec use a sigmoidal dielectric?
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_sigmoidal_die() const –> bool
elec_sigmoidal_die(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_sigmoidal_die(const bool) –> void
- elec_sigmoidal_die_params(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, D: float, D0: float, S: float) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::elec_sigmoidal_die_params(double &, double &, double &) const –> void
- envsmooth_zero_negatives(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
envsmooth_zero_negatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::envsmooth_zero_negatives() const –> bool
envsmooth_zero_negatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::envsmooth_zero_negatives(const bool) –> void
- etable_options(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
etable_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> core::scoring::etable::EtableOptions
non-const access to the etable options object
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::etable_options() –> class core::scoring::etable::EtableOptions &
etable_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, opts: core::scoring::etable::EtableOptions) -> None
Set the etable options object – makes a deep copy
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::etable_options(const class core::scoring::etable::EtableOptions &) –> void
- etable_type(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
etable_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::etable_type() const –> const std::string &
etable_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, type: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::etable_type(const std::string &) –> void
- eval_intrares_elec_ST_only(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::eval_intrares_elec_ST_only() const –> bool
- eval_intrsres_elec_ST_only(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::eval_intrsres_elec_ST_only(bool) –> void
- exclude_DNA_DNA(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
exclude_DNA_DNA(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_DNA_DNA() const –> bool
exclude_DNA_DNA(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_DNA_DNA(const bool) –> void
- exclude_RNA_RNA_fa_elec(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
exclude_RNA_RNA_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_RNA_RNA_fa_elec() const –> bool
exclude_RNA_RNA_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_RNA_RNA_fa_elec(const bool) –> void
- exclude_RNA_protein_fa_elec(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
exclude_RNA_protein_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_RNA_protein_fa_elec() const –> bool
exclude_RNA_protein_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_RNA_protein_fa_elec(const bool) –> void
- exclude_intra_res_protein(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
exclude_intra_res_protein(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_intra_res_protein() const –> bool
exclude_intra_res_protein(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_intra_res_protein(const bool) –> void
- exclude_monomer_fa_elec(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
exclude_monomer_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_monomer_fa_elec() const –> bool
exclude_monomer_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_monomer_fa_elec(const bool) –> void
- exclude_protein_protein_fa_elec(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
exclude_protein_protein_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_protein_protein_fa_elec() const –> bool
exclude_protein_protein_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::exclude_protein_protein_fa_elec(const bool) –> void
- fa_stack_base_all(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
fa_stack_base_all(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::fa_stack_base_all() const –> bool
fa_stack_base_all(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::fa_stack_base_all(const bool) –> void
- free_dof_options(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
free_dof_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options
non-const access to the FreeDOF options object
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::free_dof_options() –> class core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options &
free_dof_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, opts: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options) -> None
Set the FreeDOF options object – makes a deep copy
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::free_dof_options(const class core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options &) –> void
- genbonded_score_full(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
genbonded_score_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
allow scoring all (i.e. canonical aas) with gen_bonded
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::genbonded_score_full() const –> bool
genbonded_score_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
allow scoring all (i.e. canonical aas) with gen_bonded
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::genbonded_score_full(bool) –> void
- genbonded_score_hybrid(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
genbonded_score_hybrid(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
allow scoring torsions lack of any preference term with gen_bonded
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::genbonded_score_hybrid() const –> bool
genbonded_score_hybrid(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
allow scoring torsions lack of any preference term with gen_bonded
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::genbonded_score_hybrid(bool) –> void
- geom_sol_interres_path_distance_cutoff(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
geom_sol_interres_path_distance_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::geom_sol_interres_path_distance_cutoff() const –> unsigned long
geom_sol_interres_path_distance_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::geom_sol_interres_path_distance_cutoff(const unsigned long) –> void
- geom_sol_intrares_path_distance_cutoff(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
geom_sol_intrares_path_distance_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::geom_sol_intrares_path_distance_cutoff() const –> unsigned long
geom_sol_intrares_path_distance_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::geom_sol_intrares_path_distance_cutoff(const unsigned long) –> void
- get_cartesian_bonded_linear(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
get the harmonic bond angle and bond-length spring constants
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::get_cartesian_bonded_linear() const –> bool
- get_cartesian_bonded_parameters(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, len: float, ang: float, tors: float, proton: float, imp: float) None ¶
get the harmonic bond angle and bond-length spring constants
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::get_cartesian_bonded_parameters(double &, double &, double &, double &, double &) const –> void
- get_cartesian_bonded_skip_cutpoints(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
get the harmonic bond angle and bond-length spring constants
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::get_cartesian_bonded_skip_cutpoints() const –> bool
- get_density_sc_scale_byres(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::get_density_sc_scale_byres() const –> const class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &
- grp_cpfxn(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
grp_cpfxn(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grp_cpfxn() const –> bool
grp_cpfxn(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grp_cpfxn(bool) –> void
- grpelec_context_dependent(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
grpelec_context_dependent(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_context_dependent() const –> bool
grpelec_context_dependent(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_context_dependent(bool) –> void
- grpelec_fade_hbond(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
grpelec_fade_hbond(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_hbond() const –> bool
grpelec_fade_hbond(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_hbond(bool) –> void
- grpelec_fade_param1(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
grpelec_fade_param1(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_param1() const –> double
grpelec_fade_param1(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_param1(double) –> void
- grpelec_fade_param2(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
grpelec_fade_param2(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_param2() const –> double
grpelec_fade_param2(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_param2(double) –> void
- grpelec_fade_type(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
grpelec_fade_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_type() const –> std::string
grpelec_fade_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::grpelec_fade_type(std::string) –> void
- has_method_weights(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, type: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::has_method_weights(const enum core::scoring::ScoreType &) const –> bool
- hb_cen_soft(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
hb_cen_soft(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set whether the CenHBEnergy will use a softened version of its potential. Default false.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hb_cen_soft(const bool) –> void
hb_cen_soft(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Get whether the CenHBEnergy should use a softened version of its potential. Default false.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hb_cen_soft() const –> bool
- hbnet_bonus_function_ramping(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
hbnet_bonus_function_ramping(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
Get the bonus function shape for the hbnet energy term.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hbnet_bonus_function_ramping() const –> const std::string &
hbnet_bonus_function_ramping(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
Set the bonus function shape for the hbnet energy term.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hbnet_bonus_function_ramping(const std::string &) –> void
- hbnet_max_network_size(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
hbnet_max_network_size(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
Get the maximum hydrogen bond network size, beyond which the hbnet score term yields no futher bonus.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hbnet_max_network_size() const –> unsigned long
hbnet_max_network_size(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
Set the maximum hydrogen bond network size, beyond which the hbnet score term yields no futher bonus.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hbnet_max_network_size(const unsigned long) –> void
- hbond_options(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
hbond_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> core::scoring::hbonds::HBondOptions
non-const access to the hbond options object
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hbond_options() –> class core::scoring::hbonds::HBondOptions &
hbond_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, opts: core::scoring::hbonds::HBondOptions) -> None
Set the hbond options object – makes a deep copy
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hbond_options(const class core::scoring::hbonds::HBondOptions &) –> void
- hrf_dynamics_input(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
hrf_dynamics_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hrf_dynamics_input() const –> std::string
hrf_dynamics_input(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::hrf_dynamics_input(const std::string &) –> void
- initialize_from_options(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
initialize_from_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> None
Initialize a new EnergyMethodOptions with defaults from the global option collection
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::initialize_from_options() –> void
initialize_from_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, options: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.options.OptionCollection) -> None
Initialize a new EnergyMethodOptions with defaults from a (possibly local) option collection
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::initialize_from_options(const class utility::options::OptionCollection &) –> void
- insert_score_function_method_options_rows(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, batch_id: int, score_function_name: str, db_session: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.sql_database.session) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::insert_score_function_method_options_rows(unsigned long, const std::string &, class std::shared_ptr<class utility::sql_database::session>) const –> void
- static list_options_read(read_options: pyrosetta.rosetta.std.list_utility_keys_VariantKey_utility_options_OptionKey_t) None ¶
Append the option keys read by the initialize_from_options method to the input option-key list
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::list_options_read(class std::list<class utility::keys::VariantKey<class utility::options::OptionKey>, class std::allocator<class utility::keys::VariantKey<class utility::options::OptionKey> > > &) –> void
- loop_close_use_6D_potential(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
loop_close_use_6D_potential(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::loop_close_use_6D_potential() const –> bool
loop_close_use_6D_potential(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::loop_close_use_6D_potential(const bool) –> void
- method_weights(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, type: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::method_weights(const enum core::scoring::ScoreType &) const –> const class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &
- mhc_epitope_setup_file(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, index: int) str ¶
Get the nth mhc_epitope setup file name from the list of setup files.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::mhc_epitope_setup_file(const unsigned long) const –> const std::string &
- mhc_epitope_setup_file_count(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) int ¶
Get the number of mhc_epitope setup files.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::mhc_epitope_setup_file_count() const –> unsigned long
- netcharge_setup_file(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, index: int) str ¶
Get the nth netcharge setup file name from the list of setup files.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::netcharge_setup_file(const unsigned long) const –> const std::string &
- netcharge_setup_file_count(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) int ¶
Get the number of netcharge setup files.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::netcharge_setup_file_count() const –> unsigned long
- nmer_ref_seq_length(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_ref_seq_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
Get reference sequence length.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_ref_seq_length() const –> unsigned long
nmer_ref_seq_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
Set reference sequence length.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_ref_seq_length(const unsigned long) –> void
- nmer_svm(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
Get SVM file provided by the user.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm() const –> const std::string &
nmer_svm(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, filename: str) -> None
Set SVM file.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm(const std::string &) –> void
- nmer_svm_aa_matrix(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_aa_matrix(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
Get the user-specified AA matrix filename.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_aa_matrix() const –> const std::string &
nmer_svm_aa_matrix(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, filename: str) -> None
Set the user-specified AA matrix filename.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_aa_matrix(const std::string &) –> void
- nmer_svm_aa_matrix_defined(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
Get whether we have a user-specified AA matrix.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_aa_matrix_defined() const –> bool
- nmer_svm_avg_rank_as_energy(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_avg_rank_as_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Get whether the SVM average rank should be treated as an energy.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_avg_rank_as_energy() const –> bool
nmer_svm_avg_rank_as_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set whether the SVM average rank should be treated as an energy.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_avg_rank_as_energy(const bool) –> void
- nmer_svm_defined(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
Get whether SVM is provided by the user.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_defined() const –> bool
- nmer_svm_list(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_list(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
Get SVM filename list file.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_list() const –> const std::string &
nmer_svm_list(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, filename: str) -> None
Set SVM filename list file.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_list(const std::string &) –> void
- nmer_svm_list_defined(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
Get whether SVM list is provided by user.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_list_defined() const –> bool
- nmer_svm_pssm_feat(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_pssm_feat(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Get nmer_svm_pssm_feat_.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_pssm_feat() const –> bool
nmer_svm_pssm_feat(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set nmer_svm_pssm_feat_.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_pssm_feat(const bool) –> void
- nmer_svm_rank(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_rank(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
Get SVM rank file that was provided by the user.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_rank() const –> const std::string &
nmer_svm_rank(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, filename: str) -> None
Set SVM rank file.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_rank(const std::string &) –> void
- nmer_svm_rank_defined(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
Get whether an SVM rank file is provided by the user.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_rank_defined() const –> bool
- nmer_svm_rank_list(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_rank_list(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
Get SVM rank list provided by the user.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_rank_list() const –> const std::string &
nmer_svm_rank_list(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, filename: str) -> None
Set SVM rank list.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_rank_list(const std::string &) –> void
- nmer_svm_rank_list_defined(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
Get whether SVM rank list is provided by the user.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_rank_list_defined() const –> bool
- nmer_svm_scorecut(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_scorecut(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the SVM scorecut.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_scorecut() const –> const double &
nmer_svm_scorecut(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the SVM scorecut.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_scorecut(const double &) –> void
- nmer_svm_scorecut_defined(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) bool ¶
Get whether the SVM scorecut is defined.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_scorecut_defined() const –> bool
- nmer_svm_term_length(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_svm_term_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
Get SVM term length.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_term_length() const –> unsigned long
nmer_svm_term_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
Set SVM term length.
Used by NMerSVMEnergy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::nmer_svm_term_length(const unsigned long) –> void
- ordered_pt_wat_penalty(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::ordered_pt_wat_penalty() const –> double
- ordered_wat_penalty(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::ordered_wat_penalty() const –> double
- pb_bound_tag(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
pb_bound_tag(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::pb_bound_tag() –> std::string &
pb_bound_tag(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, tag: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::pb_bound_tag(const std::string &) –> void
- pb_unbound_tag(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
pb_unbound_tag(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::pb_unbound_tag() –> std::string &
pb_unbound_tag(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, tag: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::pb_unbound_tag(const std::string &) –> void
- protein_dielectric(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
protein_dielectric(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::protein_dielectric() const –> double
protein_dielectric(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::protein_dielectric(double) –> void
- put_intra_into_total(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
put_intra_into_total(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::put_intra_into_total() const –> bool
put_intra_into_total(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::put_intra_into_total(const bool) –> void
- rna_options(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
rna_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> core::scoring::rna::RNA_EnergyMethodOptions
non-const access to the RNA options object
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::rna_options() –> class core::scoring::rna::RNA_EnergyMethodOptions &
rna_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, opts: core::scoring::rna::RNA_EnergyMethodOptions) -> None
Set the FreeDOF options object – makes a deep copy
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::rna_options(const class core::scoring::rna::RNA_EnergyMethodOptions &) –> void
- secondary_structure_weights(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.SecondaryStructureWeights ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::secondary_structure_weights() –> class core::scoring::SecondaryStructureWeights &
- set_aa_composition_setup_files(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, input_filenames: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
Set the aa_composition setup file names.
Overrides existing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_aa_composition_setup_files(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- set_cartesian_bonded_linear(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, lin_in: bool) None ¶
set the harmonic bond angle and bond-length spring constants
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_cartesian_bonded_linear(bool) –> void
- set_cartesian_bonded_parameters(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, len: float, ang: float, tors: float, proton: float, imp: float) None ¶
set the harmonic bond angle and bond-length spring constants
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_cartesian_bonded_parameters(double, double, double, double, double) –> void
- set_cartesian_bonded_skip_cutpoints(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) None ¶
set the harmonic bond angle and bond-length spring constants
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_cartesian_bonded_skip_cutpoints(bool) –> void
- set_density_sc_scale_byres(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
set_density_sc_scale_byres(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, newscscale: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_density_sc_scale_byres(double) –> void
set_density_sc_scale_byres(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, aa: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.chemical.AA, newscscale: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_density_sc_scale_byres(enum core::chemical::AA, double) –> void
- set_elec_sigmoidal_die_params(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, D: float, D0: float, S: float) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_elec_sigmoidal_die_params(double, double, double) –> void
- set_method_weights(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, type: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType, wts: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_method_weights(const enum core::scoring::ScoreType &, const class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &) –> void
- set_mhc_epitope_setup_files(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, input_filenames: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
Set the mhc_epitope setup file names.
Overrides existing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_mhc_epitope_setup_files(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- set_netcharge_setup_files(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, input_filenames: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
Set the netcharge setup file names.
Overrides existing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_netcharge_setup_files(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- set_strand_strand_weights(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, ss_lowstrand: int, ss_cutoff: int) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::set_strand_strand_weights(int, int) –> void
- show(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, out: pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::show(std::ostream &) const –> void
- smooth_fa_elec(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
smooth_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::smooth_fa_elec() const –> bool
smooth_fa_elec(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::smooth_fa_elec(bool) –> void
- split_unfolded_label_type(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
split_unfolded_label_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::split_unfolded_label_type() const –> const std::string &
split_unfolded_label_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, label_type: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::split_unfolded_label_type(const std::string &) –> void
- split_unfolded_value_type(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
split_unfolded_value_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::split_unfolded_value_type() const –> const std::string &
split_unfolded_value_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, value_type: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::split_unfolded_value_type(const std::string &) –> void
- symmetric_gly_tables(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
symmetric_gly_tables(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
Should glyceine’s Ramachandran and P_AA_PP tables be symmetrized (e.g. for scoring in a mixed D/L context)?
Default false.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::symmetric_gly_tables() const –> bool
symmetric_gly_tables(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
Set whether glyceine’s Ramachandran and P_AA_PP tables should be symmetrized (e.g. for scoring in a mixed D/L context).
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::symmetric_gly_tables(const bool) –> void
- target_clash_pdb(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
target_clash_pdb(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: str) -> None
geter and setter for target clash energy
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::target_clash_pdb(const std::string &) –> void
target_clash_pdb(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::target_clash_pdb() const –> std::string
- unfolded_energies_type(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
unfolded_energies_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> str
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::unfolded_energies_type() const –> const std::string &
unfolded_energies_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, type: str) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::unfolded_energies_type(const std::string &) –> void
- use_gen_kirkwood(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
use_gen_kirkwood(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::use_gen_kirkwood() const –> bool
use_gen_kirkwood(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::use_gen_kirkwood(bool) –> void
- use_polarization(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
use_polarization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::use_polarization() const –> bool
use_polarization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::use_polarization(bool) –> void
- voids_penalty_energy_cone_distance_cutoff(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
voids_penalty_energy_cone_distance_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the cone distance cutoff for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_cone_distance_cutoff() const –> double
voids_penalty_energy_cone_distance_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the cone distance cutoff for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_cone_distance_cutoff(const double &) –> void
- voids_penalty_energy_cone_dotproduct_cutoff(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
voids_penalty_energy_cone_dotproduct_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the cone dot product cutoff for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_cone_dotproduct_cutoff() const –> double
voids_penalty_energy_cone_dotproduct_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the cone dot product cutoff for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_cone_dotproduct_cutoff(const double &) –> void
- voids_penalty_energy_containing_cones_cutoff(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
voids_penalty_energy_containing_cones_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> int
- Get the number of cones in which a voxel must lie in order for that voxel to be considered
to be “buried”.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_containing_cones_cutoff() const –> unsigned long
voids_penalty_energy_containing_cones_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: int) -> None
- Set the number of cones in which a voxel must lie in order for that voxel to be considered
to be “buried”.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_containing_cones_cutoff(const unsigned long) –> void
- voids_penalty_energy_disabled_except_during_packing(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
voids_penalty_energy_disabled_except_during_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> bool
- Get whether we’re prohibiting evaluation of the voids_penalty score term outside
of the context of the packer.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_disabled_except_during_packing() const –> bool
voids_penalty_energy_disabled_except_during_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: bool) -> None
- Set whether we’re prohibiting evaluation of the voids_penalty score term outside
of the context of the packer.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_disabled_except_during_packing(const bool) –> void
- voids_penalty_energy_voxel_grid_padding(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
voids_penalty_energy_voxel_grid_padding(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the voxel grid padding for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_voxel_grid_padding() const –> double
voids_penalty_energy_voxel_grid_padding(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the voxel grid padding for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_voxel_grid_padding(const double &) –> void
- voids_penalty_energy_voxel_size(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
voids_penalty_energy_voxel_size(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
Get the voxel size for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_voxel_size() const –> double
voids_penalty_energy_voxel_size(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
Set the voxel size for the voids penalty energy.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::voids_penalty_energy_voxel_size(const double &) –> void
- water_dielectric(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
water_dielectric(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::water_dielectric() const –> double
water_dielectric(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::water_dielectric(double) –> void
- static write_score_function_method_options_table_schema(db_session: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.sql_database.session) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions::write_score_function_method_options_table_schema(class std::shared_ptr<class utility::sql_database::session>) –> void
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType¶
- cd_1b = <EnergyMethodType.cd_1b: 6>¶
- cd_2b = <EnergyMethodType.cd_2b: 2>¶
- cd_lr_2b = <EnergyMethodType.cd_lr_2b: 4>¶
- ci_1b = <EnergyMethodType.ci_1b: 5>¶
- ci_2b = <EnergyMethodType.ci_2b: 1>¶
- ci_lr_2b = <EnergyMethodType.ci_lr_2b: 3>¶
- n_energy_method_types = < 7>¶
- property name¶
- property value¶
- ws = < 7>¶
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethods¶
- dunbrack_method = <EnergyMethods.dunbrack_method: 2>¶
- elec_method = <EnergyMethods.elec_method: 4>¶
- etable_method = <EnergyMethods.etable_method: 1>¶
- hbond_method = <EnergyMethods.hbond_method: 3>¶
- lkball_method = <EnergyMethods.lkball_method: 5>¶
- mm_lj_energy_inter_method = <EnergyMethods.mm_lj_energy_inter_method: 6>¶
- n_energy_methods = <EnergyMethods.ramachandran_method: 10>¶
- property name¶
- pair_e_method = <EnergyMethods.pair_e_method: 7>¶
- ramachandran_method = <EnergyMethods.ramachandran_method: 10>¶
- reference_e_method = <EnergyMethods.reference_e_method: 8>¶
- property value¶
- vdw_method = <EnergyMethods.vdw_method: 9>¶
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options &) –> class core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options &
- free_2HOprime_bonus(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
free_2HOprime_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_2HOprime_bonus() const –> double
free_2HOprime_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_2HOprime_bonus(double) –> void
- free_side_chain_bonus(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
free_side_chain_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_side_chain_bonus() const –> double
free_side_chain_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_side_chain_bonus(double) –> void
- free_sugar_bonus(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
free_sugar_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_sugar_bonus() const –> double
free_sugar_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_sugar_bonus(double) –> void
- free_suite_bonus(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
free_suite_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_suite_bonus() const –> double
free_suite_bonus(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::free_suite_bonus(double) –> void
- initialize_from_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::initialize_from_options() –> void
- pack_phosphate_penalty(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
pack_phosphate_penalty(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options) -> float
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::pack_phosphate_penalty() const –> double
pack_phosphate_penalty(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options, setting: float) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::pack_phosphate_penalty(double) –> void
- show(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.FreeDOF_Options, out: pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::FreeDOF_Options::show(std::ostream &) const –> void
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeEnergyType¶
- DFIRE = <LongRangeEnergyType.DFIRE: 17>¶
- PB_elec_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.PB_elec_lr: 7>¶
- aspartimide_penalty_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.aspartimide_penalty_lr: 13>¶
- cart_bonded_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.cart_bonded_lr: 8>¶
- centroid_disulfide_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.centroid_disulfide_energy: 27>¶
- constraints_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.constraints_lr: 1>¶
- disulfide_matching_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.disulfide_matching_energy: 26>¶
- dna_dihedral_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.dna_dihedral_lr: 9>¶
- elec_dens_allatom_cen_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.elec_dens_allatom_cen_energy: 22>¶
- elec_dens_atomwise_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.elec_dens_atomwise_energy: 23>¶
- elec_dens_cen_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.elec_dens_cen_energy: 21>¶
- elec_dens_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.elec_dens_energy: 19>¶
- elec_dens_fast_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.elec_dens_fast_energy: 20>¶
- epr_deer_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.epr_deer_lr: 6>¶
- fa_disulfide_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.fa_disulfide_energy: 25>¶
- gen_bonded_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.gen_bonded_lr: 10>¶
- gen_born_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.gen_born_lr: 2>¶
- multipole_elec_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.multipole_elec_lr: 3>¶
- n_long_range_types = <LongRangeEnergyType.centroid_disulfide_energy: 27>¶
- property name¶
- patterson_corr_energy = <LongRangeEnergyType.patterson_corr_energy: 24>¶
- rama2b_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.rama2b_lr: 11>¶
- ramaprepro_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.ramaprepro_lr: 12>¶
- rna_stub_coord_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.rna_stub_coord_lr: 16>¶
- rna_suite_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.rna_suite_lr: 14>¶
- sasa_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.sasa_lr: 5>¶
- sym_bonus_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.sym_bonus_lr: 18>¶
- tna_suite_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.tna_suite_lr: 15>¶
- property value¶
- vdw_tinker_lr = <LongRangeEnergyType.vdw_tinker_lr: 4>¶
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) bool ¶
- Two body energies are able to define intra-residue energies, and to do so
only in the presence of certain non-zero weights. The ScoreFunction will hand over its weight set as it asks whether the energy method defines an intraresidue energy or not.
For example, the Etable method defines intra-residue energies only when one or more of the fa_intra_{atr,rep,sol} weights are non-zero.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose, res1: int, res2: int) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy::defines_residue_pair_energy(const class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long, unsigned long) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls the derived class’s residue_pair_energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- long_range_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeEnergyType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::LongRangeTwoBodyEnergy::long_range_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::LongRangeEnergyType
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Return one of the 7 kinds of energy methods that exist:
e.g. context-dependent-one-body vs whole-structure.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between a given residue pair
accumulating the unweighted energies in an EnergyMap
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy) float ¶
MMBondAngleEnergy does not have an atomic interation threshold
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, id:, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method. Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- MMBondAngleEnergy is context independent; indicates that no
context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_type_param_set(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
residue_type_param_set(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, param_set: core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet) -> None
set underlying MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::residue_type_param_set(class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet>) –> void
residue_type_param_set(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy) -> core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet
get underlying MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::residue_type_param_set() –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::mm::MMBondAngleResidueTypeParamSet>
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergy::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergyCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergyCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergyCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergyCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergyCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new MMBondAngleEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergyCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondAngleEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondAngleEnergyCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy) float ¶
MMBondLengthEnergy does not have an atomic interation threshold
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, id:, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method. Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- MMBondLengthEnergy is context independent; indicates that no
context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergy::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergyCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergyCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergyCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergyCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergyCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new MMBondLengthEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergyCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMBondLengthEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMBondLengthEnergyCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter) float ¶
MMLJEnergyInter does not have an atomic interation threshold
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- create_rotamer_trie(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
create_rotamer_trie(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, rotset: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.RotamerTrieBase
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::create_rotamer_trie(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::trie::RotamerTrieBase>
create_rotamer_trie(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.RotamerTrieBase
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::create_rotamer_trie(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::trie::RotamerTrieBase>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, id:, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- get_count_pair_function(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
get_count_pair_function(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, res1: int, res2: int, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.etable.count_pair.CountPairFunction
required for neighbor list and to be more lke the ETable
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::get_count_pair_function(unsigned long, unsigned long, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<const class core::scoring::etable::count_pair::CountPairFunction>
get_count_pair_function(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.etable.count_pair.CountPairFunction
required for neighbor list and to be more lke the ETable
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::get_count_pair_function(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<const class core::scoring::etable::count_pair::CountPairFunction>
- get_count_pair_function_trie(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
get_count_pair_function_trie(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, trie1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.RotamerTrieBase, trie2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.RotamerTrieBase, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.TrieCountPairBase
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::get_count_pair_function_trie(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, class std::shared_ptr<const class core::scoring::trie::RotamerTrieBase>, class std::shared_ptr<const class core::scoring::trie::RotamerTrieBase>, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::trie::TrieCountPairBase>
get_count_pair_function_trie(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.TrieCountPairBase
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::get_count_pair_function_trie(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::trie::TrieCountPairBase>
- get_intrares_countpair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.etable.count_pair.CountPairFunction ¶
required for neighbor list and to be more lke the ETable
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::get_intrares_countpair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::etable::count_pair::CountPairFunction>
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- heavyatom_heavyatom_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, at1:, at2:, d2: float, path_dist: int) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::heavyatom_heavyatom_energy(const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, double &, unsigned long &) const –> double
- heavyatom_hydrogenatom_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, at1:, at2:, path_dist: int, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.TrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerBase) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::heavyatom_hydrogenatom_energy(const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, unsigned long &, const class core::scoring::trie::TrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerBase *const) const –> double
- hydrogen_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::hydrogen_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- hydrogen_interaction_cutoff2(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter) float ¶
- How close do two heavy atoms have to be such that their hydrogen atoms might interact?
max heavy-to-hydrogen distance ( MAGIC NUMBER!!!! FIX IT ) + atom-pair interaction distance.
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::hydrogen_interaction_cutoff2() const –> double
- hydrogenatom_heavyatom_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, at1:, at2:, path_dist: int, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.TrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerBase) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::hydrogenatom_heavyatom_energy(const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, unsigned long &, const class core::scoring::trie::TrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerBase *const) const –> double
- hydrogenatom_hydrogenatom_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, at1:, at2:, path_dist: int, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.trie.TrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerBase) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::hydrogenatom_hydrogenatom_energy(const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, const class core::scoring::mm::mmtrie::MMEnergyTableAtom &, unsigned long &, const class core::scoring::trie::TrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerBase *const) const –> double
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
MMLJEnergyInter is context independent; indicates that no context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, min_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.kinematics.MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInter, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, resid: int) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInter::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInterCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInterCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInterCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInterCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInterCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInterCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInterCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInterCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new MMTorsionEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInterCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyInterCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyInterCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra) float ¶
MMLJEnergy does not have an atomic interation threshold
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method. Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- get_count_pair_function(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
get_count_pair_function(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, res1: int, res2: int, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.etable.count_pair.CountPairFunction
required for neighbor list and to be more lke the ETable
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::get_count_pair_function(unsigned long, unsigned long, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<const class core::scoring::etable::count_pair::CountPairFunction>
get_count_pair_function(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.etable.count_pair.CountPairFunction
required for neighbor list and to be more lke the ETable
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::get_count_pair_function(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<const class core::scoring::etable::count_pair::CountPairFunction>
- get_intrares_countpair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.etable.count_pair.CountPairFunction ¶
required for neighbor list and to be more lke the ETable
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::get_intrares_countpair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::etable::count_pair::CountPairFunction>
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
MMLJEnergy is context independent; indicates that no context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, minmap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.kinematics.MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntra) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntra::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntraCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntraCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntraCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntraCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntraCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntraCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntraCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntraCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new MMTorsionEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntraCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMLJEnergyIntraCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMLJEnergyIntraCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy) float ¶
MMTorsionEnergy does not have an atomic interation threshold
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, id:, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- evaluate xyz derivatives (and not DOF derivatives)
for a particular atom.
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ResSingleMinimizationData, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method. Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- MMTorsionEnergy is context independent; indicates that no
context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentTwoBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None ¶
setup for derivatives
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
setup for packing
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergy, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction) None ¶
setup for scoring
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergy::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergyCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergyCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergyCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergyCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergyCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new MMTorsionEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergyCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.MMTorsionEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::MMTorsionEnergyCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default behavior is to return “true” for all residues.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, dof_id:, tor_id:, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::eval_dof_derivative(const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on this residue and increment them
into the input atom_derivs vector1. The calling function must guarantee that setup for derivatives is called before this function is, and that the atom_derivs vector contains at least as many entries as there are atoms in the input Residue. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_residue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- gate_pssm_scores(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : bool) None ¶
set minimum value for low scoring nmers?
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::gate_pssm_scores(const bool) –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- DunbrackEnergy is context independent; indicates that no
context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Returns the ci_1b element of the EnergyMethodType enumeration; this
method should NOT be overridden by derived classes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- n_pssms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy) int ¶
return the number of total pssms loaded
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::n_pssms() const –> unsigned long
- nmer_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : int) None ¶
define length N of NMer polymer subsequence to calculate (must match pssm)
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::nmer_length(const unsigned long) –> void
- nmer_pssm_scorecut(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : float) None ¶
nmer pssm scorecut gate for ignoring low scoring nmers
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::nmer_pssm_scorecut(const double) –> void
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- pssm_energy_at_frame_seqpos(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : int, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.chemical.AA, : int) float ¶
return the pssm energy of a single pssm for one entry in the pssm matrix
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::pssm_energy_at_frame_seqpos(const unsigned long, const enum core::chemical::AA, const unsigned long) const –> double
- read_nmer_pssm(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : str) None ¶
read a pssm file and load it
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::read_nmer_pssm(std::string) –> void
- read_nmer_pssm_fname_vector(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
accept a vector of pssm filenames and load them
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::read_nmer_pssm_fname_vector(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- read_nmer_pssm_list(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, : str) None ¶
read a file containing a list of pssm filenames and load them
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::read_nmer_pssm_list(std::string) –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergy::residue_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those one body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit(). The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResSingleMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase. The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue, who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_residue_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResSingleMinimizationData. Return ‘true’ for the extended version. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergyCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergyCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergyCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergyCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergyCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new NMerPSSMEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergyCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerPSSMEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerPSSMEnergyCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default behavior is to return “true” for all residues.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, dof_id:, tor_id:, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::eval_dof_derivative(const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on this residue and increment them
into the input atom_derivs vector1. The calling function must guarantee that setup for derivatives is called before this function is, and that the atom_derivs vector contains at least as many entries as there are atoms in the input Residue. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_residue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- get_residue_energy_by_table(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : int, : float, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double) None ¶
return the reference energy for a given reference list at a nmer frame sequence position
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::get_residue_energy_by_table(const class core::pose::Pose &, const unsigned long, double &, class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- DunbrackEnergy is context independent; indicates that no
context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- initialize_from_options(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy) None ¶
init all options from option flags
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::initialize_from_options() –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Returns the ci_1b element of the EnergyMethodType enumeration; this
method should NOT be overridden by derived classes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- n_tables(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy) int ¶
return number of tables currently loaded in memory
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::n_tables() const –> unsigned long
- nmer_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, nmer_length: int) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::nmer_length(const unsigned long) –> void
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- read_nmer_fname_vector(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
read reference energy lists from a vector of filenames
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::read_nmer_fname_vector(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergy::residue_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those one body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit(). The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResSingleMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase. The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue, who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_residue_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResSingleMinimizationData. Return ‘true’ for the extended version. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergyCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergyCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergyCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergyCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergyCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new NMerRefEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergyCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerRefEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerRefEnergyCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy¶
- add_encoded_termini(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str, : int, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::add_encoded_termini(const std::string &, const unsigned long, class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &) const –> void
- add_pssm_features(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str, : int, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::add_pssm_features(const std::string &, const unsigned long, class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &) const –> void
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- avg_rank_as_energy(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
avg_rank_as_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : bool) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::avg_rank_as_energy(const bool) –> void
avg_rank_as_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy) -> bool
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::avg_rank_as_energy() const –> bool
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default behavior is to return “true” for all residues.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- encode_aa_string(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::encode_aa_string(const std::string &) const –> class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> >
- encode_nmer(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str, : int, : int) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::encode_nmer(const std::string &, const unsigned long, const unsigned long) const –> class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> >
- encode_wtd_avg_aa_string(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::encode_wtd_avg_aa_string(const std::string &, const class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &) const –> class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> >
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, dof_id:, tor_id:, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, sfxn: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunction, weights: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::eval_dof_derivative(const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on this residue and increment them
into the input atom_derivs vector1. The calling function must guarantee that setup for derivatives is called before this function is, and that the atom_derivs vector contains at least as many entries as there are atoms in the input Residue. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_residue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- gate_svm_scores(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : bool) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::gate_svm_scores(const bool) –> void
- get_residue_energy_by_svm(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, : int, : float, : float, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::get_residue_energy_by_svm(const class core::pose::Pose &, const unsigned long &, double &, double &, class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &, class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &) const –> void
- get_residue_energy_from_sequence(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str, : int, : float, : float, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_double) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::get_residue_energy_from_sequence(const std::string &, const unsigned long &, double &, double &, class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &, class utility::vector1<double, class std::allocator<double> > &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- context independent; indicates that no
context graphs are required
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Returns the ci_1b element of the EnergyMethodType enumeration; this
method should NOT be overridden by derived classes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ContextIndependentOneBodyEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- n_svms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy) int ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::n_svms() const –> unsigned long
- nmer_length(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nmer_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : int) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::nmer_length(const unsigned long) –> void
nmer_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy) -> int
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::nmer_length() const –> unsigned long
- nmer_svm_scorecut(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : float) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::nmer_svm_scorecut(const double) –> void
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
Provide the citation for this EnergyMethod
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- read_aa_encoding_matrix(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_aa_encoding_matrix(const std::string &) –> void
- read_nmer_svm(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_nmer_svm(const std::string &) –> void
- read_nmer_svm_fname_vector(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_nmer_svm_fname_vector(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- read_nmer_svm_list(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_nmer_svm_list(const std::string &) –> void
- read_nmer_svm_rank(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_nmer_svm_rank(const std::string &) –> void
- read_nmer_svm_rank_fname_vector(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_std_string) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_nmer_svm_rank_fname_vector(const class utility::vector1<std::string, class std::allocator<std::string > > &) –> void
- read_nmer_svm_rank_list(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_nmer_svm_rank_list(const std::string &) –> void
- read_pssm_features(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : str) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::read_pssm_features(const std::string) –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, emap: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::residue_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those one body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit(). The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResSingleMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase. The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue, who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- term_length(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
term_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : int) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::term_length(const unsigned long) –> void
term_length(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy) -> int
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::term_length() const –> unsigned long
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_residue_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResSingleMinimizationData. Return ‘true’ for the extended version. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_pssm_features(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergy, : bool) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergy::use_pssm_features(const bool) –> void
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergyCreator¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergyCreator ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergyCreator::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergyCreator &) –> class core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergyCreator &
- create_energy_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergyCreator, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
Instantiate a new NMerSVMEnergy
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergyCreator::create_energy_method(const class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodOptions &) const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- score_types_for_method(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NMerSVMEnergyCreator) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
- Return the set of score types claimed by the EnergyMethod
this EnergyMethodCreator creates in its create_energy_method() function
C++: core::scoring::methods::NMerSVMEnergyCreator::score_types_for_method() const –> class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> >
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NeighborListData¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NeighborListData, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NeighborListData) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NeighborListData ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NeighborListData::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::NeighborListData &) –> class core::scoring::methods::NeighborListData &
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NeighborListData) pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.CacheableData ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::NeighborListData::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class basic::datacache::CacheableData>
- get_self_ptr(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.CacheableData) pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.CacheableData ¶
C++: basic::datacache::CacheableData::get_self_ptr() –> class std::shared_ptr<class basic::datacache::CacheableData>
- get_self_weak_ptr(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.CacheableData) pyrosetta.rosetta.std.weak_ptr_basic_datacache_CacheableData_t ¶
C++: basic::datacache::CacheableData::get_self_weak_ptr() –> class std::weak_ptr<class basic::datacache::CacheableData>
- nblist(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
nblist(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NeighborListData) -> pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.NeighborList
C++: core::scoring::methods::NeighborListData::nblist() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::NeighborList>
nblist(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.NeighborListData, nblist: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.NeighborList) -> None
C++: core::scoring::methods::NeighborListData::nblist(class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::NeighborList>) –> void
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default behavior is to return “true” for all residues.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_residue_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on this residue and increment them
into the input atom_derivs vector1. The calling function must guarantee that setup for derivatives is called before this function is, and that the atom_derivs vector contains at least as many entries as there are atoms in the input Residue. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_residue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::eval_residue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Return one of the 7 kinds of energy methods that exist:
e.g. context-dependent-one-body vs whole-structure.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and increment those energies in the input Emap (do not overwrite them).
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the one-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those one body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit(). The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::residue_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResSingleMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase. The Pose merely serves as context, and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue, who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_residue_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.OneBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResSingleMinimizationData. Return ‘true’ for the extended version. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::OneBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.PyEnergyMethodRegistrator¶
This class will register an instance of an EnergyMethodCreator (class T) with the ScoringManager. It will ensure that no energy method creator is registered twice, and, centralizes this registration logic so that thread safety issues can be handled in one place
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ResidueAtomOverlaps¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ResidueAtomOverlaps, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ResidueAtomOverlaps) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ResidueAtomOverlaps ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ResidueAtomOverlaps::operator=(const struct core::scoring::methods::ResidueAtomOverlaps &) –> struct core::scoring::methods::ResidueAtomOverlaps &
- property res1¶
- property res1_ovl1_overlaps¶
- property res1_ovl2_overlaps¶
- property res2¶
- property res2_ovu1_overlaps¶
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) float ¶
how far apart must two heavy atoms be to have a zero interaction energy?
If hydrogen atoms interact at the same range as heavy atoms, then this distance should build-in a 2 * max-bound-h-distance-cutoff buffer. There is an improper mixing here between run-time aquired chemical knowledge (max-bound-h-distance-cutoff) and compile time aquired scoring knowledge (max atom cutoff); this could be resolved by adding a boolean uses_hydrogen_interaction_distance() to the SRTBEnergy class along with a method of the ChemicalManager max_bound_h_distance_cutoff().
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) bool ¶
- Two body energies are able to define intra-residue energies, and to do so
only in the presence of certain non-zero weights. The ScoreFunction will hand over its weight set as it asks whether the energy method defines an intraresidue energy or not.
For example, the Etable method defines intra-residue energies only when one or more of the fa_intra_{atr,rep,sol} weights are non-zero.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- A derived class should return true for this function if it implements its own
versions of the backbone_backbone_energy, backbone_sidechain_energy and sidechain_sidechain_energy functions. The default sidechain_sidechain_energy implemented by the TwoBodyEnergy base class calls residue_pair_energy. If the derived class implements its own versions of these functions, then calling code may avoid calling it on pairs of residues that are “provably distant” based on a pair of bounding spheres for a sidechains and backbones and this method’s atomic_interaction_cutoff energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::divides_backbone_and_sidechain_energetics() const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamer Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method. Since short range rotamer pairs may not need calculation, the default method looks at blocks of residue type pairs and only calls the residue_pair_energy method if the rotamer pairs are within range
C++: core::scoring::methods::ShortRangeTwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Return one of the 7 kinds of energy methods that exist:
e.g. context-dependent-one-body vs whole-structure.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between a given residue pair
accumulating the unweighted energies in an EnergyMap
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy¶
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy &
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_backbone_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
backbone of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the weighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_backbone_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- backbone_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the backbone of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::backbone_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_backbone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_backbone(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- bump_energy_full(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::bump_energy_full(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, p: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Use the dof_derivative interface for this energy method when
calculating derivatives? It is possible to define both dof_derivatives and atom-derivatives; they are not mutually exclusive.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_dof_derivatives(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) bool ¶
- Two body energies are able to define intra-residue energies, and to do so
only in the presence of certain non-zero weights. The ScoreFunction will hand over its weight set as it asks whether the energy method defines an intraresidue energy or not.
For example, the Etable method defines intra-residue energies only when one or more of the fa_intra_{atr,rep,sol} weights are non-zero.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy(const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> bool
- defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
- If a score function defines no intra-residue scores for a particular
residue, then it may opt-out of being asked during minimization to evaluate the score for this residue.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_intrares_energy_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &) const –> bool
- defines_score_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, res1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, res_moving_wrt_eachother: bool) bool ¶
- During minimization, energy methods are allowed to decide that they say nothing
about a particular residue pair (e.g. no non-zero energy) and as a result they will not be queried for a derivative or an energy. The default implementation returns “true” for all residue pairs. Context-dependent two-body energies have the option of behaving as if they are context-independent by returning “false” for residue pairs that do no move wrt each other.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::defines_score_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, bool) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivative for the intra-residue component of this energy method
for all the atoms in a residue in the context of a particular pose, and increment the F1 and F2 vectors held in the atom_derivs vector1. This base class provides a default noop implementation of this function. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResSingleMinimizationData object for the given residue in a call to prepare_for_minimization before this function is invoked. The calling function must also guarantee that there are at least as many entries in the atom_derivs vector1 as there are atoms in the input rsd.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intrares_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the intra-residue energy for a given residue using the data held within the
ResSingleMinimizationData object. This function should be invoked only on derived instances of this class if they return “true” in a call to their use_extended_intrares_energy_interface method. This base class provides a noop implementation for classes that do not implement this interface, or that do not define intrares energies.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intrares_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, dof_id:, torsion_id: core::id::TorsionID, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector) float ¶
- Evaluate the DOF derivative for a particular residue. The Pose merely serves as context,
and the input residue is not required to be a member of the Pose.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_intraresidue_dof_derivative(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::id::DOF_ID &, const class core::id::TorsionID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> double
- eval_residue_pair_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, : core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, r1_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair, r2_atom_derivs: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_DerivVectorPair) None ¶
- Evaluate the derivatives for all atoms on rsd1 and rsd2 with respect
to each other and increment the derivatives in atom-derivatives vector1s. The calling function must guarantee that the r1_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd1, and that the r2_atom_derivs vector1 holds at least as many entries as there are atoms in rsd2.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::eval_residue_pair_derivatives(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::DerivVectorPair> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_vector: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, residue: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer/background energies. Need not be overriden
in derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers in the set, and calls derived class’s residue_pair_energy method for each one against the background rotamr
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_background_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, energies: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_float) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<float, class std::allocator<float> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emaps: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_EMapVector) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer intrares energy map. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all rotamers, and calls derived class’s intrares _energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_intrares_energy_maps(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class utility::vector1<class core::scoring::EMapVector, class std::allocator<class core::scoring::EMapVector> > &) const –> void
- evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, set1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, set2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, weights: core::scoring::EMapVector, energy_table: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray2D_float_t) None ¶
- Batch computation of rotamer pair energies. Need not be overriden in
derived class – by default, iterates over all pairs of rotamers, and calls the derived class’s residue_pair_energy method.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::evaluate_rotamer_pair_energies(const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class ObjexxFCL::FArray2D<float> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
- Return one of the 7 kinds of energy methods that exist:
e.g. context-dependent-one-body vs whole-structure.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before derivative evaluation begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_minimization(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine each residue pair before scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residue pairs that are uninterested in doing so.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair_opportunity(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- residue_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between a given residue pair
accumulating the unweighted energies in an EnergyMap
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- residue_pair_energy_ext(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, min_data: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the two-body energies for a particular residue, in the context of a
given Pose, and with the help of a piece of cached data for minimization, increment those two body energies into the input EnergyMap. The calling function must guarantee that this EnergyMethod has had the opportunity to update the input ResPairMinimizationData object for the given residues in a call to setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair before this function is invoked. This function should not be called unless the use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() method returns “true”. Default implementation provided by this base class calls utility::exit().
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::residue_pair_energy_ext(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
Do any setup work necessary before evaluating the derivatives for this residue pair
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_derivatives_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache, res_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, minmap: core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase, res1_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, res2_data_cache: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of minimization, allowing this energy method to cache data
pertinent for a single residue in the the ResPairMinimizationData that is used for a particular residue in the context of a particular Pose. This base class provides a noop implementation for this function if there is nothing that the derived class needs to perform in this setup phase.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_minimizing_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) -> None
setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, min_data: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData) -> None
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of this residue (who is still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called) have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed. This function is used for both intra-residue setup and pre-inter-residue setup
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, minsingle_data1: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, minsingle_data2: core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, data_cache: core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData) None ¶
- Do any setup work should the coordinates of a pair of residues, who are still guaranteed to be
of the same residue type as when setup_for_minimizing_for_residue was called, have changed so dramatically as to possibly require some amount of setup work before scoring should proceed
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::setup_for_scoring_for_residue_pair(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::scoring::ResSingleMinimizationData &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::ResPairMinimizationData &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- sidechain_sidechain_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the interaction between the sidechain of rsd1 and the
sidechain of rsd2 and accumulate the unweighted energies. The sum bb_bb(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r1,r2) + bb_sc(r2,r1) + sc_sc( r1,r2) must equal the unweighted result of a call to residue_pair_energy. By default, bb_bb & bb_sc return 0 and sc_sc returns residue pair energy.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::sidechain_sidechain_energy(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- use_extended_intrares_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Derived classes wishing to invoke the alternate, extended interface for eval_intrares_energy
during minimization routines should return “true” when this function is invoked on them. This class provides a default “return false” implementation so that classes not desiring to take advantage of this alternate interface need to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_intrares_energy_interface() const –> bool
- use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.TwoBodyEnergy) bool ¶
- Rely on the extended version of the residue_pair_energy function during score-function
evaluation in minimization? The extended version (below) takes a ResPairMinimizationData in which the derived base class has (or should have) cached a piece of data that will make residue-pair energy evaluation faster than its absense (e.g. a neighbor list). Derived energy methods should return ‘true’ from this function to use the extended interface. The default method implemented in this class returns ‘false’
C++: core::scoring::methods::TwoBodyEnergy::use_extended_residue_pair_energy_interface() const –> bool
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- class pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.WholeStructureEnergy¶
Base class for EnergyMethods which are meaningful only on entire structures, for example, the Radius of Gyration. These EnergyMethods do all of their work in the “finalize_total_energy” section of score function evaluation.
- assign(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.WholeStructureEnergy, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.WholeStructureEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.WholeStructureEnergy ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::WholeStructureEnergy::operator=(const class core::scoring::methods::WholeStructureEnergy &) –> class core::scoring::methods::WholeStructureEnergy &
- atomic_interaction_cutoff(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.WholeStructureEnergy) float ¶
how far apart must two heavy atoms be to have a zero interaction energy?
If hydrogen atoms interact at the same range as heavy atoms, then this distance should build-in a 2 * max-bound-h-distance-cutoff buffer. There is an improper mixing here between run-time aquired chemical knowledge (max-bound-h-distance-cutoff) and compile time aquired scoring knowledge (max atom cutoff); this could be resolved by adding a boolean uses_hydrogen_interaction_distance() to the SRTBEnergy class along with a method of the ChemicalManager max_bound_h_distance_cutoff().
This method allows the WholeStructureEnergy class to define which edges should be included in the EnergyGraph so that during the finalize() method the Energy class can iterate across the EnergyGraph. This iteration occurrs in the SecondaryStructureEnergy class, where the edges must span 12 angstroms between the centroids. Arguably, the SecondaryStructureEnergy class could use the TwelveANeighborGraph (a context graph) and not require that the EnergyGraph span such long distances.
C++: core::scoring::methods::WholeStructureEnergy::atomic_interaction_cutoff() const –> double
- atomistic_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno: int, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the (one body) energy associated with a particular atom
This may be a “self” energy, or it may be the single atom contribution from a whole structure term. NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- atomistic_pair_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, atmno1: int, rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, atomno2: int, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, scorefxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- Evaluate the energy for a particular pair of atoms
This function may be fed the same residue with different atom numbers NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here. For most terms this is likely a no-op. Terms which implement this non-trivially should return true from has_atomistic_pairwise_energies()
This is return-by-reference in the EnergyMap - Implementations should accumulate, not replace.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::atomistic_pair_energy(unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, unsigned long, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- clone(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::clone() const –> class std::shared_ptr<class core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod>
- defines_high_order_terms(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated both in the context of the whole Pose and in the context of residue or residue-pairs? This covers scoring terms like env-smooth wherein the CBeta’s get derivatives for increasing the neighbor counts for surrounding residues, and terms like constraints, which are definable on arbitrary number of residues (e.g. more than 2); both of these terms could be used in RTMin, and both should use the residue and residue-pair evaluation scheme with the MinimizationGraph for the majority of the work they do. (Now, high-order constraints (3-body or above) will not be properly evaluated within RTMin.). The default implementation returns “false”.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::defines_high_order_terms(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- eval_atom_derivative(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, id:, pose: core::pose::Pose, domain_map: pyrosetta.rosetta.ObjexxFCL.FArray1D_int_t, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, emap: core::scoring::EMapVector, F1: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t, F2: pyrosetta.rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t) None ¶
- Evaluate the XYZ derivative for an atom in the pose.
Called during the atomtree derivative calculation,, through the ScoreFunction::eval_atom_derivative intermediary. F1 and F2 should not zeroed, rather, this class should accumulate its contribution from this atom’s XYZ derivative
The derivative scheme is based on that of Abe, Braun, Noguti and Go (1984) “Rapid Calculation of First and Second Derivatives of Conformational Energy with Respect to Dihedral Angles for Proteins. General Recurrent Equations” Computers & Chemistry 8(4) pp. 239-247. F1 and F2 correspond roughly to Fa and Ga, respectively, of equations 7a & 7b in that paper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::eval_atom_derivative(const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class ObjexxFCL::FArray1D<int> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::scoring::EMapVector &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &, class numeric::xyzVector<double> &) const –> void
- finalize_after_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
called at the end of derivatives evaluation
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- finalize_after_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) None ¶
- Called after minimization, allowing a derived class to do some
teardown steps.
Base class function does nothing. Derived classes may override.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_after_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &) const –> void
- finalize_total_energy(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, total_energy: core::scoring::EMapVector) None ¶
- called by the ScoreFunction at the end of energy evaluation.
The derived class has the opportunity to accumulate a score into the pose’s total_energy EnergyMap. WholeStructure energies operate within this method; any method using a NeighborList during minimization would also operate within this function call.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::finalize_total_energy(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class core::scoring::EMapVector &) const –> void
- has_atomistic_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the (one body) atomistic energy method?
Note that this may return false even if the score term theoretically could support atomistic energies. And even if this function returns true, it’s not necessarily the case that all atoms will get assigned an energy, or that the sum over all atoms (or atom pairs) will result in the same energy as the residue-level approach. The atomistic functions are intended for supplemental informational purposes only. The residue-level energies are the main interface for EnergyMethods.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() const –> bool
- has_atomistic_pairwise_energies(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod have a non-trivial implementation of the pairwise atomistic energy method?
NOTE: all the cautions of EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_energies() apply here.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::has_atomistic_pairwise_energies() const –> bool
- indicate_required_context_graphs(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, context_graphs_required: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- Indicate in the context-graphs-required list which
context-graphs this energy method requires that the Pose maintain when doing neighbor evaluation. Context graphs are allowed
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::indicate_required_context_graphs(class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- method_type(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.WholeStructureEnergy) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodType ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::WholeStructureEnergy::method_type() const –> enum core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethodType
- minimize_in_whole_structure_context(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Should this EnergyMethod have score and derivative evaluation
evaluated only in the context of the whole Pose, or can it be included in a decomposed manner for a residue or a set of residue-pairs that are not part of the Pose that’s serving as their context? The default method implemented in the base class returns true in order to grandfather in EnergyMethods that have not had their derivatives changed to take advantage of the new derivative-evaluation machinery. Methods that return “true” will not have their residue-energy(-ext) / residue-pair-energy(-ext) methods invoked by the ScoreFunction during its traversal of the MinimizationGraph, and instead will be asked to perform all their work during finalize_total_energies(). Similarly, they will be expected to perform all their work during eval_atom_deriv() instead of during the ScoreFunction’s traversal of the MinimizationGraph for derivative evaluation. IMPORTANT: Methods that return “true” cannot be included in RTMin.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::minimize_in_whole_structure_context(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- prepare_rotamers_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.RotamerSetBase) None ¶
- If an energy method needs to cache data in a packing::RotamerSet object before
rotamer energies are calculated, it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::prepare_rotamers_for_packing(const class core::pose::Pose &, class core::conformation::RotamerSetBase &) const –> void
- provide_citation_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.citation_manager.CitationCollectionList) None ¶
- Provide citations to the passed CitationCollectionList
Subclasses should add the info for themselves and any other classes they use.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. It may be overriden by energy methods wishing to provide citation information.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::provide_citation_info(class basic::citation_manager::CitationCollectionList &) const –> void
- requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose) bool ¶
- Does this EnergyMethod require the opportunity to examine the residue before (regular) scoring begins? Not
all energy methods would. The ScoreFunction will not ask energy methods to examine residues that are uninterested in doing so. The default implmentation of this function returns false
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::requires_a_setup_for_scoring_for_residue_opportunity_during_regular_scoring(const class core::pose::Pose &) const –> bool
- score_types(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_scoring_ScoreType ¶
Returns the score types that this energy method computes.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::score_types() const –> const class utility::vector1<enum core::scoring::ScoreType, class std::allocator<enum core::scoring::ScoreType> > &
- setup_for_derivatives(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- Called immediately before atom- and DOF-derivatives are calculated
allowing the derived class a chance to prepare for future calls.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_derivatives(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_minimizing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction, : core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase) None ¶
- Called at the beginning of atom tree minimization, this method
allows the derived class the opportunity to initialize pertinent data that will be used during minimization. During minimzation, the chemical structure of the pose is constant, so assumptions on the number of atoms per residue and their identities are safe so long as the pose’s Energies object’s “use_nblist()” method returns true.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_minimizing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, const class core::kinematics::MinimizerMapBase &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool, : pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_bool) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins, then it does so during this function. The packer must ensure this function is called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &, const class utility::vector1<bool, class std::allocator<bool> > &) const –> void
- setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, pose: core::pose::Pose, rotsets: core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache data in the Energies object,
before packing begins and requires access to the RotamerSets object, then it does so during this function. The default behavior is to do nothing.
- The exact order of events when setting up for packing are as follows:
setup_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
rotamers are built
setup_for_packing_with_rotsets() is called for all energy methods
prepare_rotamers_for_packing() is called for all energy methods
The energy methods are asked to score all rotamers and rotamer pairs
The pose is specifically non-const here so that energy methods can store data in it
: Used in ApproximateBuriedUnsatPenalty to pre-compute compatible rotamers
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_packing_with_rotsets(class core::pose::Pose &, const class std::shared_ptr<class core::pack_basic::RotamerSetsBase> &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, : core::scoring::ScoreFunction) None ¶
- if an energy method needs to cache something in the pose (e.g. in pose.energies()),
before scoring begins, it must do so in this method. All long range energy functions must initialize their LREnergyContainers before scoring begins. The default is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring(class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &) const –> void
- setup_for_scoring_for_residue(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, pose: core::pose::Pose, sfxn: core::scoring::ScoreFunction, residue_data_cache: pyrosetta.rosetta.basic.datacache.BasicDataCache) None ¶
- Do any setup work before scoring, caching any slow-to-compute data that will be used during
energy evaluation inside of the input Residue object’s data cache. (The Residue on the whole is given as a constant reference, but non-constant access to its data cache is granted.)
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::setup_for_scoring_for_residue(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::scoring::ScoreFunction &, class basic::datacache::BasicDataCache &) const –> void
- show_additional_info(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : pyrosetta.rosetta.std.ostream, : core::pose::Pose, : bool) None ¶
show additional information of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::show_additional_info(std::ostream &, class core::pose::Pose &, bool) const –> void
- update_residue_for_packing(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod, : core::pose::Pose, resid: int) None ¶
- If the pose changes in the middle of a packing (as happens in rotamer trials) and if
an energy method needs to cache data in the pose that corresponds to its current state, then the method must update that data when this function is called. The packer must ensure this function gets called. The default behavior is to do nothing.
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::update_residue_for_packing(class core::pose::Pose &, unsigned long) const –> void
- version(self: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethod) int ¶
Return the version of the energy method
C++: core::scoring::methods::EnergyMethod::version() const –> unsigned long
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.atoms_interact(rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, id1:, id2:, interaction_cutoff: float) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::atoms_interact(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::id::AtomID &, const class core::id::AtomID &, const double) –> bool
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.create_long_range_energy_container(pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, scoretype: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType, lr_type: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.LongRangeEnergyType) None ¶
- Determines whether a long-range energies container exists in the pose energies object. If not,
creates a new one and appends the score type to it, if necessary.
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::create_long_range_energy_container(class core::pose::Pose &, const enum core::scoring::ScoreType, const enum core::scoring::methods::LongRangeEnergyType) –> void
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.determine_lo_and_hi_residues(pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, rsd1: int, rsd2: int, res1_is_lo: bool, res2_is_lo: bool) None ¶
- Given two residues that may or may not be connected, determine which of the two, if any,
is the lower one and which is the upper.
Inputs are rsd1 and rsd2; outputs are rsd1_is_lo and rsd2_is_lo. Both will be false if the residues aren’t connected (s.t. the C of one connected to some connection of the other).
Vikram K. Mulligan (
C++: core::scoring::methods::determine_lo_and_hi_residues(const class core::pose::Pose &, const unsigned long, const unsigned long, bool &, bool &) –> void
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.find_cutpoint_variants(pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, tree: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.kinematics.FoldTree, cutpoints: pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_int) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::find_cutpoint_variants(const class core::pose::Pose &, const class core::kinematics::FoldTree &, class utility::vector1<int, class std::allocator<int> > &) –> void
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.find_relevant_connections_onersd(pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, seqpos: int, branch_connection: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.ResidueAtomOverlaps) None ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::find_relevant_connections_onersd(const class core::pose::Pose &, const unsigned long, struct core::scoring::methods::ResidueAtomOverlaps &) –> void
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.get_lower_cutpoint_partner_for_upper(pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, upper_res: int) int ¶
Instead of assuming cutpoint partner is simply res-1, find which residue connects via lower/upper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::get_lower_cutpoint_partner_for_upper(const class core::pose::Pose &, const unsigned long) –> unsigned long
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.get_residue_weight_by_ss(ss: str) float ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::get_residue_weight_by_ss(char) –> double
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.get_upper_cutpoint_partner_for_lower(pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose, lower_res: int) int ¶
Instead of assuming cutpoint partner is simply cutpoint+1, find which residue connects via lower/upper.
C++: core::scoring::methods::get_upper_cutpoint_partner_for_lower(const class core::pose::Pose &, const unsigned long) –> unsigned long
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.is_lower_cutpoint(residue: int, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::is_lower_cutpoint(unsigned long, const class core::pose::Pose &) –> bool
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.is_upper_cutpoint(residue: int, pose: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.Pose) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::is_upper_cutpoint(unsigned long, const class core::pose::Pose &) –> bool
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.lower_upper_connected_across_cutpoint(lower_rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, upper_rsd: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue) bool ¶
helper function for looking at residue connections to get lower/upper partners
C++: core::scoring::methods::lower_upper_connected_across_cutpoint(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &) –> bool
- pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.methods.residues_interact(rsd1: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, rsd2: pyrosetta.rosetta.core.conformation.Residue, interaction_cutoff: float) bool ¶
C++: core::scoring::methods::residues_interact(const class core::conformation::Residue &, const class core::conformation::Residue &, const double) –> bool