
Utility functions for method and property bindings over wrapper classes.


bind_classmethod is to be used as a decorator for binding class methods onto classes which are defined in C++. This functionality is necessary because C++ objects are not explicitly defined in the python code. Therefore, monkey patching is the only option. Binding class methods should be limited to python specific challenges.


bind_method is to be used as a decorator for binding methods onto classes which are defined in C++. This functionality is necessary because C++ objects are not explicitly defined in the python code. Therefore, dynamically defining is the only option. Binding methods should be limited to python specific challenges.


bind_property is to be used as a decorator for binding properties onto classes which are defined in C++. This functionality is necessary because C++ objects are not explicitly defined in the python code. Therefore, dynamically defining is the only option. Binding properties should be limited to python specific challenges.

pyrosetta.bindings.utility.slice_1base_indicies(slice_, size)

Convert a slice to 1-based indicies. takes an instance of the built-in slice object and a length of a slice-able object and returns index 1 compatible indices. Think of this as slice.vector1_indices(size) which is analogous to slice.indices(size).