#!/usr/bin/env python # :noTabs=true: # (c) Copyright Rosetta Commons Member Institutions. # (c) This file is part of the Rosetta software suite and is made available under license. # (c) The Rosetta software is developed by the contributing members of the Rosetta Commons. # (c) For more information, see http://www.rosettacommons.org. Questions about this can be # (c) addressed to University of Washington UW TechTransfer, email: license@u.washington.edu. ## @file PyMOLServer.py ## @brief ## @author Sergey Lyskov, Johns Hopkins University import time, socket, gzip, bz2 from cStringIO import StringIO from array import array import pymol #from NetLink import PR_UDPServer # ^^^ this does not work on CygWin PyMOL so we just add our code here... class PR_UDPServer: def __init__(self, udp_ip = '', udp_port=65000): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.socket.bind( (udp_ip, udp_port) ) self.buf = {} self.last_cleanup_time = time.time() def listen(self): data, addr = self.socket.recvfrom(1024*64) # 64k buffer #print 'Got Message from %s' % str(addr), len(data) packet_id = data[:16+2] counts = array('H', data[18:22]) # should be 2 short integer #print 'Packet count info:', counts if counts[1] == 1: # only one messgage in pack... return array('c', data[22:]) #bz2.decompress(data[22:]) else: if packet_id not in self.buf: self.buf[packet_id] = [0., {}] c, d = self.buf[packet_id] d[counts[0]] = data[22:] self.buf[packet_id][0] = time.time() # now, lets check if we can find all the pieces of this message... if len(d) == counts[1]: # yes, they all here... #print 'Asseblinbg messge from %s pieces...' % counts[1] m = array('c') for i in range(counts[1]): m.extend( d[i] ) del self.buf[packet_id] #print 'Messge is:', len(m), m, d #print 'leftover buffer len:', len(self.buf) return m #bz2.decompress(m) else: # there is no ready-to-return packets... however lets check if buffer can be cleaned up... # anything older then 10second should be discarded... current_time = time.time() if current_time - self.last_cleanup_time > 2.: # cleaning up every 2s for k in self.buf.keys(): if current_time - self.buf[k][0] > 10.0 : print 'Buffer clean up: %s' % repr(k) del self.buf[k] return None class PR_PyMOLServer: def processPacket(self, msg): ''' Format description: bytes 0:8 - packet type byte 8 - flags byte 9 - len(name) bytes 10:... - name bytes ...:... - mesage its self ''' ptype = msg[:8].tostring() flags = ord(msg[8]) name_len = ord(msg[9]) #print 'name_len:', name_len name = msg[10: 10+name_len].tostring() data = msg[10+name_len:] #.tostring() #print 'Decoy type: %s, name: %s' % (ptype, name) if ptype == 'PDB ': # string is just a pdb file, no compression #print 'Processing pdb...' #pymol.cmd.delete(name) pymol.cmd.read_pdbstr(data, name, 1) #pymol.cmd.show("cartoon", name) #pymol.cmd.forward() #pymol.cmd.refresh() elif ptype == 'PDB.gzip': # string is just a pdb file, gzip compression pymol.cmd.read_pdbstr(gzip.GzipFile('', 'r', 0, StringIO(data)).read(), name, flags ^ 1) if flags: pymol.cmd.frame( pymol.cmd.count_frames() ) elif ptype == 'PDB.bz2 ': # string is just a pdb file, bz2 compression pymol.cmd.read_pdbstr(bz2.decompress(data), name, flags ^ 1) if flags: pymol.cmd.frame( pymol.cmd.count_frames() ) elif ptype == 'Ener.bz2': # energies info, bz2 compression #print 'Getting Ene2.bz2 packet...' e_type_len = ord(data[0]) e_type = data[1: 1 + e_type_len].tostring() s = bz2.decompress( data[1+e_type_len:] ) #print 'Compression stats: %s-->%s' % (len(data[1+e_type_len:]), len(s) ) try: for i in range(0, len(s), 7): pymol.cmd.color('R%s' % s[i+5:i+7], '%s and chain %s and resi %s' % (name, s[i], s[i+1:i+5])) except pymol.parsing.QuietException: print 'Coloring failed... did you forget to send geometry first?' else: print 'Unknow packet type: %s, - ignoring...' % ptype # Creating our own color spectrum for i in range(256): pymol.cmd.set_color('R%02x' % i, [i/255., 1.-i/255., 0]) def main(ip='', port=65000): print 'PyMOL <---> PyRosetta link started!' udp_serv = PR_UDPServer(ip, port) PS = PR_PyMOLServer() while True: r = udp_serv.listen() if r: #print len(r) PS.processPacket(r) s.close() import threading def start_rosetta_server(user_input='', port=65000): if user_input: ip = user_input else: ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) if user_input or ip != '': thread = threading.Thread(target=main, args=[ip,port]) thread.setDaemon(1) thread.start() else: print "Unable to automatically determine your IP address. Please specify it manually. e.g. start_rosetta_server" pymol.cmd.extend('start_rosetta_server', start_rosetta_server) start_rosetta_server('', 65000) #### To use PyMOLPyRosettaServer over a network, uncomment the line below and set the first argument to your IP address #start_rosetta_server('', 65000)